



Chemical Name: γ-Butyrolactone

  • 96-48-0

    CAS No.

  • Molecular Formula

  • 86.09

    Molecular Weight

Structural Formula:


Item Technical Specifications
Premium Quality Standard Quality
APHA ≤10 ≤20
contents ≥99.50% ≥99.0%
Moisture ≤0.05% ≤0.1%
Crystallization Point (℃) -44 ~-45

Usage: Used in producing pyrrolidone, butyric acid,  succinic acid, and paint removing solutions, etc; also widely used
in fine chemical products such as medicine and spices. It is also used as solvent for resin, a high-safety low poisonous  eco-friendly  type of solvent. In  the field of polyurethane,  it works as  reactive thinner and  hardener in the system  of painting industry based on polyurethane and amidogen.

Packing: in galvanized drums of 200 KG, or per customers’requirements.
